"What would you do if you made $20, $40, or even $60 an hour?"
Why You Must Know This Info About Being An Aircraft Mechanic
by Stan King, Author of The Aircraft Mechanic
Well, what WOULD you do if you made that much money?
Would you:
- Buy a new car?
- Buy a new house?
- Take a trip around the world?
If you answered yes to any of those, then the good news is this:
As an aircraft mechanic, you CAN do those things. In fact, I did each and every one of those things with the money I made. I also did much, much more, such as starting my own business that I’d dreamed about.

After following your advice I just hired in with a company that’s paying me almost $1300 each week. I’ll be able to make even more once I’ve been here a little longer. I really can’t thank you enough for sharing your info. Thank you!"
- Marcos R.
Right now as you sit here reading this, there are aircraft mechanics making $60, $80, even $100,000 or MORE each year.
But being an aircraft mechanic is much more than all the money that you can make. In fact, not every mechanic makes $100,000 a year, and the ones that do know exactly how to make it.
In the next 5 minutes, as you read every word of this article, you will know exactly how to do what those people are doing right now.
No matter what you are doing right now, no matter what kind of job you currently have, you can be an aircraft mechanic.
But don’t you have to have some kind of degree or certificate to be an aircraft mechanic?
Believe it or not, the answer is NO!
You can become an aircraft mechanic:
- Without spending thousands of dollars on college or school
- Without spending thousands of dollars to get a certificate
- Sometimes in as little as a few weeks

Now, as a 41 year old woman, I work for a maintenance company in Oklahoma. No more $7 per hour! Try $26 per hour and if I keep doing what I’m doing I should be even more by the end of this year. I highly recommend you read this book if you want to get into aviation. Without it, I don’t know if I would have.
The aircraft mechanic has been read by over 300,000 of people just like you. In fact, it’s the only book out there that will tell you everything you need to know about becoming an aircraft mechanic.
"How much money can you make as an aircraft mechanic?"
This is the most common question I receive, and it’s one of the main reasons I wrote The Aircraft Mechanic.
Here's the truth: You can make a lot of money as an aircraft mechanic. However, you need to know EXACTLY which steps to take to become a well-paid mechanic.
Most aircraft mechanics can make a lot of money compared to some careers, but only if the right steps are taken.
If you know the right steps you can make a lot of money.

The pay is excellent and I can finally give my family the life we deserve. And it all started with reading your book.
Thank you for writing your book and helping me and others learn about this career. I’m hoping one day I can meet you!"
- Sean Trayborn
If you don’t need a degree or certificate, why do some mechanics have an A&P certificate?
An A&P certificate is issued by the Federal Aviation Administration to qualified individuals. Some mechanics choose to get a certificate because they think it’s the only way to enter the career.
That is simply not true. As I said, you DO NOT need any kind of certificate to be an aircraft mechanic. However, if you choose to get an A&P certificate, here’s the good news:
I am going to tell you how to get a FREE A&P certificate.
Did you know an A&P certificate can cost $20,000 or even more?
There are certain methods you can use to get an A&P certificate without paying a dime. In fact, you don't even have to go to college or school. And I'm going to show you exactly how to do it.

The fact that this is written by a professional who has years of experiences makes a big difference! I don't need to google information piece by piece and judge with no basis whether that information and advice is still valid any more.
There is still a lot more to know before making the decision whether or not to pursue the aircraft mechanic route and using this book as a general guide has really helped me.